C-re-aid has received over 100 submissions for the Earth Architecture Competition. A special thank you to all participants for their hard work, you truly made it difficult for the jury panel to make a selection.
Congratulations to the projects who made it to the final 25.
1st Prize
Project by Fabrizio Primavera and Chiara Schina from Italy
2nd Prize
Project by Ana Luísa Schoenell, João Victor Ortiz, Julia Stopasolla Copat, Mariana Brüggemann Spricigo Pfleger from Brazil
Honorable Mentions
Project by Caterina Corsi and Andrea Somma from Italy
Project by Prem Lorenzen, Paula Mariano, Javier Sposito from Argentina
Project by Zarya Vrabcheva from Bulgary
Michela Gessani, Barbara Giordano from Italy
Francesco Girondi, Chaewon Yoon from Italy and South Korea
Tarick Astitou, Lucas Van Hiel, Jasper Poesen from Belgium
Simoné Senekal from South Africa
Emanuel Jicmon from Romania
Paul Schrijen, Faiza Hamid from Netherlands and Sudan
Gyongyver Engloner, Daniel Nyangeda, AV Nguyen from Kenyan, Vietnamese, Hungarian
Rangika Fernando, Dumindhi Nanayakkara from Sri Lanka
Valentina Geminiani, Giovanna Zani, Davide Mele, Cristhian Gaviria from Italy
Florian Glenn David Reisacher, Tomas Martinez Camì from Germany
Evan Shaner from the USA
Saumil Patel, Taral Patel from India
Sue Yen Chong from Malasia
Gianfranco Del Longo, Marco Bossi, Renato Magni from Italy
Antonietta Portioli, Iuri Ferraroli, Marco Micheletti from Italy
Maria Pia Mogollon, Maria Cecilia Niño, Ana Paula Araujo from Peru
Radhakrishnan T R, Karthikeyan V J from India
Ben Deschepper, Jonas Waerniers, Philippe Caes from Belgium
Nicolò Galeazzi, Martina Salvaneschi from Italy
Cemil ŞAHİN, Ubeydullah YAŞAR, Fevzi Aydemir from Turkey
Jury Members
Paul Kenis, Odisee University, Belgium
Peggy Winkels, Uhasselt University, Belgium
Gunter Klix, APC Architects, Switzerland. Tanzania
Jasper Van der Linden, BC Architects, Belgium
Daniel Mbisso, Ardhi University, Tanzania
Geert Buelens, Colruyt Group, Belgium
Freya Candel, C-re-aid NGO, Rwanda
C-re-aid is launching its first design+build competition in partnership with Jubilant School and Orphanage located in the Kilimanjaro Region.
This competition gives you the opportunity to work in the design and construction of a nursery school for orphans from 3 to 6 years old in Moshi rural. The main aim of this project is to create a sustainable space where kids can start their educational journey feeling like at home; A space to learn, discover, and play.
Download the full Competition brief here
1st prize: $1,000
Or project construction trip to Tanzania and internship with C-re-aid + printed book with selected submissions* + International exhibition
2nd Prize: $500
Or project construction + printed book with selected submissions* + international exhibition
3 honorable mentions: printed book with selected submissions + international exhibition*
20 finalists: Mentioned in the book as finalists.
*International Exhibition
*An exhibition of all the winning entries and honorable mentions will be held in Belgium and in Tanzania.
*A book with selected submissions and end of competition results will be released.